Scotland Tour – Day 8

The weather was amazing for our last day on the island. We went to the beach at Weddell Sound near Churchill Barrier Number 3 for a walk.

Then we returned to the Italian Chapel to have a look inside. The POWs built it using two Nissan huts, as a place to worship while they built the barriers.

Domenico Chiocchetti, one of the prisoners, was a talented artist.
Inside the chapel

We left our lovely fisherman’s cottage and drove to Kirkwall to have dinner at the Kirkwall Hotel prior to boarding the ferry to Lerwick, on the Shetlands.

Kirkwall harbour, across from the hotel.

Off to the ferry now.

We left the Orkneys at midnight.

The MV Hrossey
Hatston Pier
Our cabin



5 thoughts on “Scotland Tour – Day 8

  1. You have been so lucky weather-wise. Horrible here, really heavy rain. Hope the crossing to Lerwick is smooth. Loved ‘Island Medics’ but you don’t want to end up in Lerwick Hospital however nice the staff may be!

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